Bank Prayer & Transformation

Bank-Office-DeskI work at a bank with strict policies on this but stepped out in faith and prayed with a client for her daughter who had just been admitted to the ward of a hospital with a serious mental illness. Her daughter would barely eat, shower and talk. She basically couldn’t function on her own. I called her the next day after our prayer to see if there was any change in her daughter’s state. Unfortunately, there was no change. Refusing to give up hope however, I invited the client to our next Engage group to receive healing and prayer.

She came and she was loved on and prayed for by all. Monday following the meeting, I received an awesome phone call. She called me up in tears and said that she went to see her daughter on Saturday (the day after our meeting) and she was like a different person. There was a 180 degree change in her condition. She could not believe it! She started praising God and thanking me for introducing her to such a great group of people and restoring her faith in God.

~Rob, Burnsville