Deli Perspective

delicase_5I was at a local grocery store at the deli waiting to purchase some meat. I was getting rather frustrated because it was taking a little time for them to find the meat I wanted. I was aware that two women had come up next to me, waiting to place their order. I made a side comment to them about my meat not being readily available, and one of the women said something. I kept going, and they said, “Didn’t you hear what I said?” I stopped and said, “No.”

She went on to say that their father had just passed away and the funeral had been that day, so, basically, they didn’t care about my issues. I immediately apologized and asked if I could pray for them. They said yes, and I did. I even thanked her for saying something. Funny, the entire time of that exchange, the meat was not found, and by the time they came back, we were done praying and I let them order ahead of me. We parted with hugs.

~Donna, Savage