I Have Access!

33220“I have Access!”
I was the lead person on a large group move from Minnetonka to Eden Prairie. I had been given a key fab in order to get clients into the building before the business was open.  As I was filling out paperwork I had this feeling of anxiety that somebody was left behind! I knew our numbers were right but I decided to follow my instinct and head back to the hotel.

I got back to the hotel and there this older lady waving at me quite frantically!  She asked if I was the bus going to the event at Starkey? I responded yes. “Thank you Jesus!” she cried out. She quickly got on board and I took off toward the event location. She was in full panic mode. She explained that she didn’t pack her phone cord so her phone went dead, therefore alarm didn’t go off. Furthermore she was in hot water with her boss about other problems. Her missing the meeting could cost her. She was concerned since she was late that she would need to go to the front desk to check in and that her boss would need to get her etc. I raised my key fab up in the air and I said, “Ma’am. Don’t worry I have access! This key will get you in the back door and will allow you to get in as if you were on time.” She took a deep breath. “That would be awesome. Thank you so much.” She said. I responded, “Don’t worry. Jesus directs are steps. He had this all figured out.”

We got there, I swiped my key fab and the door opened. She smiled real big. Gave me a side hug. The group was there doing a meet and greet just feet from where she got in. I was glad to have helped. The real kicker in this story and why I shared it was that when I went to turn the key fab in at the security desk, the guard said that my key was coded wrong. I was given a general security key not a guest entry key! The guard said, “Opps, you had the key to kingdom here! I am so glad to have it back. Somebody really messed up.” The owner calls the business headquarters the Kingdom. I smiled as I thought about the spiritual truth to what he said. I left and returned to work. This story reminds me that God hears those panic prayers from His kids and makes away for us even if it means taking a mistake and making it work for our good. Praise God.

~Trevor, Prior Lake