Influencing a Corporation

imagesI try to be a positive person in life but it seems to have a big influence at my job. Because of this I have built a reputation, which brought a person of great influence to come find me. The Director of Culture at a large health group came to me and asked me a few questions. He made a couple of complimentary statements he had heard about me and about things he had seen himself. So he asked me if I would be willing to help him.

I explained that this was my lifestyle, not culture speak. He asked, “If you were to write a program to embody this lifestyle what would it entail?” I said I would call it cultivating a culture of honor. I gave him steps, a road map and even goals to help shift the corporate culture. He was furiously taking notes. The most important part of the conversation was telling him that this was a lifestyle change. That honoring people was to start at home then work then the community.

Then I started bring God into the mix of telling him how I heard what to speak over him. He said, “Awesome.” I said I am not sure how he would incorporate that part in the work place. He said, “God used you so He can use me too!” He was really excited. The last thing I told him was that power of this was in the demonstration not in the program. Those who have influence need to demonstrate it continually as their lifestyle, then it will catch fire and change the whole group.

He shook my hand, thanked me and told me he would come back to see me if he needed more help or tweaks. He said he was so encouraged and excited about the possible outcome. He returned to his office. I thanked God and thought to myself that my demonstration of a culture of honor to all people allowed me to influence the influential and possibly an entire company! Praise God!

~Trevor, Prior Lake