Office Healing

A gal at work was talking about her hip bothering her and showed how when she put her hands on her hips there was a very notable difference in the length of her legs.  I mentioned sometimes difference in length is actually coming from misalignment and it is an easy thing for the Lord to correct.  I offered two bits of advice, one was chiropractic and the other is prayer. I had her sit down and took her feet in my hands and prayed.

She got up and there was a definite improvement. I had her sit down to pray a second time and she asked I pray for the swelling and bunion as well. LOL! I did and she got up and even more improvement had happened. Holy Spirit had touched her and as she walked out there was an evenness to her gate that I had not seen in sometime! She said if it was not 100% she would be back. HE IS SO AMAZING!!!

~Mickey, St. Cloud