Runner’s Prayer

Paul-RunnerI was a block from my house getting gas at Holiday when I saw an older gentleman walking around in running clothes shaking his legs as if he just ran. The Lord highlighted him to me so I walked over and started a conversation about running. He told me that he has had three surgeries on the left knee, and 5 on the other and a hip replacement and that he was only suppose to ride a bike. I immediately asked if I could pray for his joints as Jesus loves to show up and love people and heal them.

His name was David, “King David,” I said, and he told me that is who he was named after. I prayed healing and gave an encouraging prophetic word about his kingship and leadership…all true he later said. We talked and he told me about being in Vietnam, and surviving several bullet wounds and being blown up, I told him God had plans for him. He told a story about being night and the guns where being cleaned and so it was quiet and he looked up and saw the expanse and praised Him. We shook hands, he said his bones felt much better, and was blessed and said that I was “Doing the right thing”…Glory to God!

~Paul, Prior Lake