The Lady Next Door’s Family

sidewalk-chalkLast week, my youngest son, my grandson and I were out in the front yard, when I noticed the neighbor man outside with his young son. In the two years I’ve lived next to him, we had never met.  Well, I’d just talked with his wife for the first time the previous week, so I thought he was probably just as cool as she is. It wouldn’t hurt to try talking with him again.

We grabbed a bucket of sidewalk chalk and strode across the lawn, as though the neighbor wouldn’t bite. I must have great supernatural authority, because in fact, he never did! We drew on his driveway, together, with the kids. As I drew the world’s greatest tricycle superhighway on his pavement, we discussed our jobs. He had a really interesting one, and the hours explained why never saw him much. 

Well, the little guys had an awesome time that morning, and eventually we packed up the chalk and went home. I know, now, that I have some really neat neighbors. I wish I’d just baked cookies and strode across the yard at some point (with my authority). But this is a new day, and – hey – I have new friends next door. 🙂

~Carole, Belle Plaine