Traveling With Magicians

Magic-hands-2I took some traveling magicians to Rochester. Out of the 23 passengers I was able to engage James who decided to read my mind was his psychic powers. So after some general assumptions and guesses I asked him a question. “What is the purpose of knowing this information about me?” He answered, “To show you my skills and entertain.” “Okay, I have some skills too. Do you mind if I try on you?” He said, “You do?” With a smile of humoring me.

I responded,”But my skills or gifts have a purpose. They glorify God and bring the hearer into an encounter with Him.” He wasn’t smiling anymore and said,”Really.” “Okay let me show you,” I responded. “I see you at a bar with a lady sharing drinks and laughing. This was in Washington after a show. You were showing her your tricks, you were out so late you had breakfast together. Her name is Joni. You were trying to close the deal with her but she refused you even though you had chemistry and a connection. She said she had been down that road before and didn’t want a drive by relationship. You exchanged information and still talk today.”

He was shocked… I continued, “You traveled two hours south of there for another show. Here you met a young man who had great skills in the same area you do. You had an immediate connection with him. You talked and he decided to join your show. He’s the one in the back with the gray hat on. His name is Thomas but you call him Tommy.” He looked back and responded with a statement of unbelief. “But what God wants to share with you is that Tommy is Joni’s son. Jesus is telling me that the connections are real. He has provided you with opportunity to take responsibility and become a family.”

At this point he put his hands over his mouth and muttered something. He then looked at Tommy then back at me. We had a long conversation after that about his next steps. In the end this God encounter using the words of knowledge will change their lives. Jesus brought a family together that didn’t know they were already family in His eyes. I got to lead him to the Lord and he said he would take responsibility for both of them and in sharing this story with them that they could hopefully become a real family. This story brought tears to my eyes. I felt so privileged to be a part of it.

~Trevor, Prior Lake