Healed Through Testimony

6974305729_5167bd25f5_zAt our monthly Supernatural Circuit Training, 3 people decided to heal each other’s feet. We shared that feet were being healed in the room and then received this testimony the next day:

“Last night you were teaching about the power of the testimony and you said that someone in the room was getting healing for their foot. I said “I’ll receive that testimony”. No one prayed for me, I didn’t even pray… I just said out loud “I’ll receive that testimony” and went on to the next activation not thinking any more of it. This morning I woke up and took my first step out of bed — NO PAIN! For the first time in I don’t remember how long – I didn’t have to walk like I was 80 years old until my muscles or whatever stretched enough to where I could walk semi-normally. Praise the Lord who can do abundantly and exceedingly more than we can dream or imagine! I continue to be in awe of Him!”

~Kristen, Apple Valley

I Have Access!

33220“I have Access!”
I was the lead person on a large group move from Minnetonka to Eden Prairie. I had been given a key fab in order to get clients into the building before the business was open.  As I was filling out paperwork I had this feeling of anxiety that somebody was left behind! I knew our numbers were right but I decided to follow my instinct and head back to the hotel.

I got back to the hotel and there this older lady waving at me quite frantically!  She asked if I was the bus going to the event at Starkey? I responded yes. “Thank you Jesus!” she cried out. She quickly got on board and I took off toward the event location. She was in full panic mode. She explained that she didn’t pack her phone cord so her phone went dead, therefore alarm didn’t go off. Furthermore she was in hot water with her boss about other problems. Her missing the meeting could cost her. [Read more…]

Pregnancy Restored!

imagesOne of my best friends was finally able to get pregnant at 41 for the little girl she has been longing for.  At 24 weeks, last week she was put on complete bedrest with a  4 and a 2 year old boys to take care of.  She was discouraged but absolutely resolved to give birth to this baby after losing the last one.  Things went from bad to worse as she started having other problems, surgery was suggested, Dr. gave her news that the baby was probably not going to survive.  She was so devastated by the Dr. saying this.

Wrists Touched!

Wrist_painI was talking with a friend who shared that she hadn’t slept well in months because of pain in both wrists from carpel tunnel.  I offered to pray and declared healing.  The next day I received a text message that she slept through the night with no pain!

~Diana, Northfield

Shoulder Healed!

I was telling people about our “Supernatural Circuit Training” small group at the small group fair tonight when a thought popped into my head that I should offer to pray for the young man I was talking to. I asked him what he needed prayer for and he said an old shoulder injury was acting up and causing him a lot of pain at work. So the folks from the Engage booth and I prayed for him a couple times and he left with no pain and restored full range of motion in his shoulder!

~Kristen, Apple Valley

Let Jesus Take The Wheel

3011-2A few of us have been ministering to the folks at Wild Bills Saloon in Apple Valley. We stand outside the doors of the bar, introduce ourselves, and say, “We’re operating a ministry called ‘Let Jesus Take the Wheel’… we are offering people a free ride home tonight! If you feel as if you’ve had too much to drink and can’t make it home safe, we got you! Do you need a ride?”

A typical rider’s experience is as follows:
1) Initially: “Are you serious? That’s so beautiful? … Are you serious? Wow thank you!” [Read more…]

Lost Student

20100826_northropauditorium_33I was taking an elementary school to the Northrop Auditorium, and they were short on chaperones and having trouble with how to keep track of the students.  I told them I had velcro straps that are florescent that I usually use for luggage that we could  have the kids where them as arm bands.

At the end of the day we loaded up again. Even with the idea we were missing one student! These are second graders so panic set in. A couple of men went looking for him. His name was Tucker. As I waited I ask the Lord. “Where is Tucker?” [Read more…]

Applebee’s Encounter

My daughters and I were in Applebee’s where we noticed a table with 3 moms and their young kids. The kids were upset because they were hungry and the mom’s were pretty stressed as well. I stopped and asked if everything was alright and found out they were all single moms, one who had 5 kids and was recently widowed. Being a single mom at one time we connected immediately. Before leaving I realized that I had 3 gift cards to Caribou that were purchased earlier for an office party. I took the cards out and gave them to the moms. [Read more…]

Snowboard Injury

cab9-snowboarding-school-meribel-valley-111I work at Walmart and I got the opportunity to pray for my coworker in the break room.  He was injured when he was a senior in high school from a snowboarding accident.  He is now pretty much paralyzed on his right side. I asked if it was okay if I prayed for him and he said yes. He said he didn’t feel anything right away but the next day when I saw him at work he says it is doing a bit better. He was also very thankful that I prayed for him so every time I see him he smiles at me and seems very thankful.

~Amber, Inver Grove Heights

Library Healing

I was at the library waiting for my sister to pick me up when I saw elderly people walking with canes. I started talking to them and one of the ladies said her leg hurt.  I asked if I could pray for her leg and she said sure. So I prayed for her leg and she said it felt a little better!   At first it was scary, but I did it!

~Colleen, Inver Grove Heights